Kimra McPherson

Profile Photo: Kimra McPherson

About Me

Kimra, an unabashed eavesdropper, thrives on learning what people love and hate about interacting with the world - and how to make it better. As a former journalist, crime reporter & TV blogger, she's passionate about exploring connections people make through technology.

41 Articles by Kimra McPherson

The Weekly Echo 12/9 December 09, 2011
The Weekly Echo 12/2 December 02, 2011
The Weekly Echo 11/18 November 18, 2011
The Weekly Echo 11/11 November 11, 2011
Shapeshifting Experiences November 11, 2011
The Weekly Echo 11/4 November 04, 2011
The Weekly Echo 10/28 October 28, 2011
The Weekly Echo 10/21 October 21, 2011
But What Do the Stripes Mean? October 20, 2011
The Weekly Echo October 14, 2011