Blog Archive

Category Title
UX as Therapy Felix Desroches May 02, 2012
Weekly Echo The Weekly Echo, 4/27 Kimra McPherson April 27, 2012
Experience Measurement Surveys Likert Scales in Real Life Kimra McPherson April 25, 2012
Threadflip and EchoUser in the news! Felix Desroches April 18, 2012
The "Absence of Customer Displeasure" Mick McGee April 06, 2012
The Weekly Echo, 4/6 Kimra McPherson April 06, 2012
Design Retail Ux Starbucks and Peet's: A Design and Usability Investigation Amy Chen March 30, 2012
Living in the past Felix Desroches March 26, 2012
Working late on a Friday... Susie Kim March 16, 2012
Inspiration Podcasts Storytelling Storytelling Inspiration Kimra McPherson March 15, 2012