Visualizing change

Hand drawn or OK computer?

UI protoyping: OK Computer? Des over at recently showed us part of their process for preparing web prototypes for a client.  They ended up using Konigi's hand drawn wireframe stencil set for Omnigraffle, which lends prototype diagrams a more human, back-of-the-napkin feel. Speaking of which, at the last BayChi event I attended, guest lecturer Dan Roam mentioned that hand drawn really is more human: specifically, that we tend to be attracted to artifacts that look like they come from people.  So as technology has advanced to the point where we use programs instead of pen and paper to prototype web pages and UI layouts, it's ironic that we've now moved the needle back the other way in search of our humanity and something more tactile. I know that fabulous crew over at The Grove sometimes uses tablets to record hand drawn notes and sketches during meetings, which essentially kills two birds with one stone: no more paper prototypes (yay for the environment!), coupled with a hand-drawn electronic artifact that can be easily modified.  Thoughts, anyone?