This and That

Remember when Kimra Joined EchoUser?

Team EchoUser in the wild...Shawna deeply thinking about something...probably designery things. Noah makes his "EEEENteresting...vewwy interesting." face. We were all very happy to add another awesome person (You'll find out who in the next few photos) to the EchoUser team. Smiley faced balloons were blown up and confetti strewn about the unsuspecting vict--- er...I mean office newbie's desk. :) Meet Kimra McPherson! The newest addition to Team EchoUser, User Research. Howard seems to be very taken with her. Oh and did I mention she bakes incredimazingness! True story...last week she brought in some chocolate chocolate-and-mint chip cookies. I am pretty sure everyone had at least three. Some even ate them for breakfast (:::COUGH::: Shawna and Noah :::COUGH:::). Needless to say...we heart her already. Howard kissies!