The Weekly Echo 2/10

At EchoUser this week, our office chat was buzzing with news about airlines, movies, and ... breakups? Yup. Join the conversation by checking out some of these links: dazzles the eyes with 20 great visualizations from 2011, from the serious to the outright silly. Oh hi, pretty new Jet Blue redesign. It's slick and a little Apple-y, no? After its Qwikster stumble, Netflix is rebounding with a move into original programming. Fast Company's Co.Create sat down with Netflix's head of content to learn more about how that's going to work. We most certainly hope you're not staring down a weekend full of bad dates ... but if you are, Wot Went Wrong wants to help you give and get good feedback on why that coffee meeting didn't turn into anything more. Wah-waaaahhhh.