The Weekly Echo 1/6

Happy New Year! We got 2012 rolling at EchoUser with some good reading material and some office giggles. Take a look: Making resolutions this year? We fancied these 10 New Year's resolutions for designers — especially No. 8, "Stop using your mom as an example of a stupid person." ("Do you think Chelsea Clinton asks herself if her mom would understand something complex?") If you're looking to be more creative in the coming year, this list of 10 mobile apps for creative types has some ideas for fleshing out that inspiration while on the road. The language here may be a little Not Safe For Work (unless your work is like our work), but The Oatmeal's take on online shopping carts sparked peals of laughter for us this week. (Not to mention, it's got some great points about the misery that online check-out can cause.) Finally, would you buy this Steve Jobs action figure? And should Apple be able to sue its maker over the use of Jobs' image?